I am weawwy speciaw cuz thewes onwy one of uwu me. wook at my smiwe im so damn happy. teh peopwe awe jeawous of uwu me. when im sad and wonwy i wike uwu to sing dis song. it cheews me up and shows me that i wont be sad fur wong. ohohoh. im so happy i can bawewy bweathe. puppy good boys sugaw fwogs and kittens baby teeth. wook out uwu aww chu mothews im happy as owo hawd cowe. happy as owo a coupon fur a 20 dowwew whowe hehehehe. im so happy im sugaw- coated me. happy good angew bad thats my phiwosophy. i can't do dis man~ im nyot happy. i am weawwy speciaw cuz thewes onwy one of uwu me. wook at my smiwe im so damn happy. teh peopwe awe jeawous of uwu me. dese awe my wuv handwes and dis is my spout. but if chu tip me ovew den mama said knyock chu out uwu owo! i am speciaw i am happy i am gonnya heave. wewcom uwu to my happy wowwd. nyow get ur sh** and weave owo! i am happy i am good i am... im outta heaw scwew chu owo! owo!

I am weawwy speciaw cuz thewes onwy one of uwu me.  wook at my smiwe im so damn happy.  teh peopwe awe jeawous of uwu me.  when im sad and wonwy i wike uwu to sing dis song.  it cheews me up and shows me that i wont be sad fur wong.  ohohoh.  im so happy i can bawewy bweathe.  puppy good boys sugaw fwogs and kittens baby teeth.  wook out uwu aww chu mothews im happy as owo hawd cowe.  happy as owo a coupon fur a 20 dowwew whowe hehehehe.  im so happy im sugaw- coated me.  happy good angew bad thats my phiwosophy.  i can't do dis man~ im nyot happy.  i am weawwy speciaw cuz thewes onwy one of uwu me.  wook at my smiwe im so damn happy.  teh peopwe awe jeawous of uwu me.  dese awe my wuv handwes and dis is my spout.  but if chu tip me ovew den mama said knyock chu out uwu owo! i am speciaw i am happy i am gonnya heave.  wewcom uwu to my happy wowwd.  nyow get ur sh** and weave owo! i am happy i am good i am...  im outta heaw scwew chu owo! owo!

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Description: Took around an hour or so~Dunno who the original owner was, the sprite didnt say it. \/(._.)\/

CREATOR ID: c91422
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: I couldn't because if i post the link it posts the image of it too. - Mix

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