Oh you might as well be drinking shattered glass... He, has a small collection of child porn... Not actual kids but still lewd and nude children that only exist in like anime is STILL BAD... He`s even fucking with Danger`s, mind and he`s 13... THIRT... FUCKING... TEEN......

Oh you might as well be drinking shattered glass... He, has a small collection of child porn... Not actual kids but still lewd and nude children that only exist in like anime is STILL BAD... He`s even fucking with Danger`s, mind and he`s 13... THIRT... FUCKING... TEEN......

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Description: -Terrie | StoryArraSwap Justin - ATK: 15,000 [Phase 2: 750,000 - Phase 3: 12,000,000] - DEF: 9,300,000 [Phase 2: 46,700,000 - Phase 3: 93,500,000] - HP: 275,000,00 [Phase 2: 590,000,000 - Phase 3: 1,280,000,000] | [ * This final one remains as the petty bitch of a "Queen" won't do anything and just accept her death ] - [ * He's not giving in? Even after all that? Guess we will have to continue our "F U N" = ) ] - [ * Two marks and it's still not over... But this is it! There no time to let our guard down to give in! Stay DETERMINED... "F R I E N D" = D ] | Themes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVlP2d92EM8&t | Phase 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qp6l3rQb2l8 | Phase 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gM48oLV1LI&t

CREATOR ID: 583245
VIEWS: 100
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Did... I ever tell you... That I got close to dying but stopped at the end all because of somebody I cared about only to find out they choice to suddenly backstab me?... No?... Well obviously I never told you cause it just happened... And yet I refuse to finish the job when I no not a single soul would even bother showing any sort of "love" to me after all I`ve done... And I`m just making a random post to say it cause why the fuck not?... Why not just choose to say something after it all huh?..... Heh... Can`t even feel a broken heart... The damn thing was frozen before it could be broken... And now?... Heheheee... I`m gonna get some... Harsh revenge.....

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