arent we all bored?

arent we all bored?

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Description: this is mawile :)

CREATOR ID: f7c573
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: hey. not so special anymore huh? Guess what? no one ever told me I was special. I never got a trophy just for showing up. I'm not some special little snowflake. No. but as unspecial as I am. you are a thousand, billion, times more unspecial than me. ROBOTS, bring me the sword of exact zero (yes lord business) must be weird, one minute. you're to most special person in the universe. THE NEXT MINUTE, YOU'RE NOBODY. oh i have a nice place for this in my relic room *glass break* UH OH MY MISTAKE. THERE IT GOES (NO) BYE BYE FOREVER! well i guess there is only ONE THING LEFT TO DO! R E L E A S E T H E K R A C K L E !

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