I already did that with the rant I was on about. That legit was has genuine and open as I could EVER really be in such a public place and yet to them it's all lies and guilt tripping despite neither being correct... Lies? No I tried. Guilt tripping? Then explain why it's all in main and not RP or some shit, like that's not what I was going with I just wanted to vent but I guess somebody in RP still has main pinned and checked here and called me out...

I already did that with the rant I was on about. That legit was has genuine and open as I could EVER really be in such a public place and yet to them it's all lies and guilt tripping despite neither being correct... Lies? No I tried. Guilt tripping? Then explain why it's all in main and not RP or some shit, like that's not what I was going with I just wanted to vent but I guess somebody in RP still has main pinned and checked here and called me out...

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Description: -Terrie

CREATOR ID: 583245
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: Just I fucking completely quit. I'm fucking done. I'm out. Last post cause I'm going to sleep to not listen to you fucking cry cause I honestly don't care if you are with their side and not mine...

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