*Instead of giving Finx a chance to attack, I whip out an M134 Microgun and start firing at Finx. I yell "nO hIt No MiSs No CoUnTeR nO dOdGe nO bLoCk", and then complain when I get ignored.* -Hermann Hans Otto Georg-Wilhelm Müller von Magdeburg und Hanover

*Instead of giving Finx a chance to attack, I whip out an M134 Microgun and start firing at Finx. I yell "nO hIt No MiSs No CoUnTeR nO dOdGe nO bLoCk", and then complain when I get ignored.* -Hermann Hans Otto Georg-Wilhelm Müller von Magdeburg und Hanover

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Description: Please just address me as "Hermann."

CREATOR ID: f06e13
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: "AlRiGhT eVeRyOnE, iT`s TaX tImE!!!!!111 sHoUlD i PaY aLl My TaXeS lIkE a GoOd TaX-pAyInG cI`iZeN, oR eVaDe My TaXeS aNd SaVe AlL mY mOnAaYyYy?!?!?" -Hermann Hans Otto Georg-Wilhelm Müller von Magdeburg und Hanover

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