I can tell you are a really good parent. As with the bad images, it's important to tell him to ignore them cause they only want attention.

I can tell you are a really good parent. As with the bad images, it's important to tell him to ignore them cause they only want attention.

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CREATOR ID: 05b0c1
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Thank you for your concern. As with everywhere in this society there will be things I don't want my child seeing that he will inevitably see. All I can do is pray for his innocence to remain despite the world and weigh the risks of what I choose to shield him from. This creative tool has brought much joy to my son's life and he tells me what he sees but we just talk about it. He has told people there are kids and please don't post inapprorriate content, but then we also believe in freedom of expression. So thanks for your concern but I'll continure to allow him to play in this platform. It was a good lesson for him to learn about giving credit. So thank you.

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