Angela The Angel Fox BY Heatrash the fire fox

Angela The Angel Fox BY Heatrash the fire fox

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Description: this is my second batim oc, she is friends (idk if they are anymore) with tress and lucy, but she was also one who was taken out, but she understands why she had to be taken out. she has a magic harp, when playing a certain song, it will be able to heal, she has angel like powers, and she's super super nice (maybe one of the nicest oc's i have XD) anyways, she is a fox (maybe my last fox oc for a while) she is able to fly, cause of course she has wings, and she is able to make portals but when done going through a portal it becomes ink, so when going though it, it's like going through ink. thats all for now, oh and this pixel art took me a few hours to make (maybe like 3 hours or so)

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 528
AGE: 6 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator