[[Brian... It`s not Aki... Someone reposted his image... Really I don`t know what happened to Aki... He like left without warning and hasn`t shown up since...]]

[[Brian... It`s not Aki... Someone reposted his image... Really I don`t know what happened to Aki... He like left without warning and hasn`t shown up since...]]

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Description: hey uh so.. I guess I'm just kinda confused... my name is Aki, I'm an amateur programmer. I use this site for base level sprite-work, and for the most part I stay out of the /gallery section. but when I am here, I always see people using the art tools for other reasons, and I guess I'm just a little curious as to what it is that you all are actually doing... anyways if anyone would be willing to reply, I'd be super grateful

CREATOR ID: 63ceb7
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Lost memory | What the hell even happened to them? | http://pixelartmaker.com/gallery?after=1063166

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator