i feel totaly miserable, me keeping up my activity and acts of kindness is making me fail school, i dont know what to do... sometimes i wish that i never found PAM, for the sake of other people caring about me and being concirned about my mental health when im in the state im in. but also because that i wouldnt be that tied to anything so i could focus on my grades... im going to be a failure. and its all my falt for being a good person... i hate myself so much, because if i left now, then it would be like the last time when i left for around 4 months, people would miss me, and i have sprites to work on as well.. i wish that i just didnt exist, that was, nobody would have to be worried about me in any sense. Me Not Existing Would Benifit The World More Than What Im Doing Now.

i feel totaly miserable, me keeping up my activity and acts of kindness is making me fail school, i dont know what to do... sometimes i wish that i never found PAM, for the sake of other people caring about me and being concirned about my mental health when im in the state im in. but also because that i wouldnt be that tied to anything so i could focus on my grades... im going to be a failure. and its all my falt for being a good person... i hate myself so much, because if i left now, then it would be like the last time when i left for around 4 months, people would miss me, and i have sprites to work on as well.. i wish that i just didnt exist, that was, nobody would have to be worried about me in any sense. Me Not Existing Would Benifit The World More Than What Im Doing Now.

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Description: Contains ideas and concepts for stuff i might make later, its also just a place so i can doodle, wah Ateo's creation- Theme: https://soundcloud.com/sashicoo/official-celeste-original-soundtrack-09-golden?in=sashicoo/sets/celeste-ost

CREATOR ID: 379d08
AGE: 2 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator