T I would know because you log on everyday! Karma is there and there, so this is probably another one of karma's breaks, again CHILL. - Oliver

T I would know because you log on everyday! Karma is there and there, so this is probably another one of karma's breaks, again CHILL. - Oliver

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Description: Nothing is fully known about the creature, they are just an egg... Ambient theme: https://soundcloud.com/flamesatgames/interstellar-retribution-in-the-style-of-sans Phase 1: https://soundcloud.com/flamesatgames/bonelovania Phase 2: https://soundcloud.com/flamesatgames/final-chance Hatched: https://soundcloud.com/sayonara-maxwell/sayonara-maxwell-undertale-death-by-glamour-remix

CREATOR ID: d14112
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Sure I'm being a hypocrite Anau, but I was enlightened by Naon, Karma is not and I repeat, NOT dead. Coronavirus makes it almost impossible to suicide without being stopped, nobody takes pictures of a dead body, photoshop or stolen image, so much points to Karma still being alive, it's a hoax, chill. - Oliver

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