In the year 21XX, a Purple orb escaped from an abandoned Facility where Orbs were once created. This facility was wiped out by a massive beast that was the new goal of the laboratory. It explored until it was eaten by the beast as well. Upon entering the beast, it destroyed the beast's heart, killing it. Then it exited out of the side.

In the year 21XX, a Purple orb escaped from an abandoned Facility where Orbs were once created. This facility was wiped out by a massive beast that was the new goal of the laboratory. It explored until it was eaten by the beast as well. Upon entering the beast, it destroyed the beast's heart, killing it. Then it exited out of the side.

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Description: Orbs - A Fragile Machination. Has a glass like exterior that shatters when they perish. They have sentience, some have different goals than others.

CREATOR ID: 990543
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: Orb Cumulative

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AI Painting Generator