"Suffering can be faked, so that who fakes it can scam someone of their time, and/or money. but if one has been tricked enough times, they begin to doubt the reality of anyone truely needing support. and ignores those that desperately need it"

"Suffering can be faked, so that who fakes it can scam someone of their time, and/or money. but if one has been tricked enough times, they begin to doubt the reality of anyone truely needing support. and ignores those that desperately need it"

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Description: (This is the second poem i've made, because the first [Fluffing] one must have been so depressing that my computer refreshed this site for no reason. thank you god for your help in this [Poop]hole people call life) Suffering Obviously not good Whatever you do try, to get rid of it better double check if you should Happiness Hard to come by Especially during this time i'm going through in my life Art, no doubt that its hard even to master, it takes too much practice but my soul, for whatever reason cant handle my art looking like Treason My mind is full of thoughts that are working against me to try and take away the one glimpse of happiness that i so dearly need Im sorry, people that call me a friend that you had to see this high of a degree its not my fault god decided t h a t t h e y d i d n ' t w a n t m e

CREATOR ID: a34ade
AGE: 3 years old

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