balance!sans or paint spray!sans

balance!sans or paint spray!sans

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Description: does not have an au has no memory of ever having friends or family just woke up in the tri-void has visions of people that look like them and has every sans ability but has to see said sans before they can access their abilities error and ink have no idea they exist yet but error 404 doses and lets them have his abilities won't tell bill about them on there request and treats them like a little brother core frisk does not like them because of this paint is very and is about show themselves if Ink doesn't stop creating because Paint has the ability to destroy multiple au but does not want to if they do not have to can create as well but nothing that not living will stay in the tri-void

CREATOR ID: 710c2c
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Create Your Own Sans :)

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator