[Niko has fallen asleep, their head resting on the "Sun"]

[Niko has fallen asleep, their head resting on the "Sun"]

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Description: {Imported by Ateo [Or Finx], Character not mine}. Some minor edits and added expressions are made by Ateo. [Multiverse Traveler] | AU Niko HP: 75 | DEF: 75 | ATK: 25 The "Sun" HP: 8 This Niko is from a timeline, of which they escaped from the world the World Machine created, while still keeping the Sun. Shortly after this however, Interlopers came from another universe and threatened to Kill Niko to get the Sun from them, claiming it was an extremely potent energy source. Its not known what happened, but Niko ended up safe... Ateolous soon found them, being partnered with Namuh, and convinced them to come, promising they could go back home whenever they wanted. This Niko knows how to cast specific magic spells, of which fit different needs and requirements. The magic comes from their "Sun", the lightbulb they hold close to them. If the sun is broken for any reason, its magic potential gets transferred into Niko, making them literally billions of times stronger than before. Twinkle. | LV 1 Spell | Damage/Support ||: Little twinkling lights appear where Niko casts this spell, casting it inside the "Sun" makes it glow brighter, while casting it onto someone deals weak Light damage. Sparkle. | Lv 2 Spell | Damage/Support/Healing||: Brighter sparkles appear where Niko casts this spell. It is an upgraded version of "Twinkle", being brighter when used on the "Sun" and dealing medium Light/Fire damage when used on an enemy. but additionally, if focused, Niko can use the energy from their magic to heal the HP of others, its easier to do to themself than others however. Temporal Distortion. | Lv: 5 Spell | Support||: "The closer you are to a gravitational mass, the slower your clock seems to be ticking to an observer farther from the mass". This spell allows Niko to slow down time to an extent, or speed it up, For themselves or others. Temporal Halt. | Lv: 7 Spell | Support||:

CREATOR ID: 379d08
AGE: 1 year old

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