...being redeemed. being forgiven, all these things where someone lets go of a grudge to become neutral with someone again. i was fighting for someone to get a chance at that, and a few people here clearly cant comprehend that. one person here cant more than others. and those same people are the ones who are self degrading or have said something negitive towards themself multiple times are the same people who wont lay off someone just being themself due to actions they have done in the past. it would be diffrent if said person who i wanted to be forgiven didnt accept forgiveness [COUGH COUGH], but no. detro took a chance that i have them and it got wasted. thank you people for wasting my time that one fateful night i guess.

...being redeemed. being forgiven, all these things where someone lets go of a grudge to become neutral with someone again. i was fighting for someone to get a chance at that, and a few people here clearly cant comprehend that. one person here cant more than others. and those same people are the ones who are self degrading or have said something negitive towards themself multiple times are the same people who wont lay off someone just being themself due to actions they have done in the past. it would be diffrent if said person who i wanted to be forgiven didnt accept forgiveness [COUGH COUGH], but no. detro took a chance that i have them and it got wasted. thank you people for wasting my time that one fateful night i guess.

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Description: Feniko

CREATOR ID: 379d08
AGE: 2 years old

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