Error 01 (Read Desc)

Error 01 (Read Desc)

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Description: In an event, fatal error and error were battling, when fatal struck error down.. therefore having to call help, error 404 sliced open a wall in the ANTI VOID, revealing himself... the battle went on, as it was impossible to kill fatal, and impossible to kill error 404.... they went through many alternate universes, like Underswap, and eventually... they ran into alpha.. alpha was hit by the crossfire of strings, and his soul was completely shattered, before his dusting, his soul flickered blue and red, and then turned PURPLE.... alpha started glitching into a new form, Error... 01. His power led to a new part of the multiverse opening up.... the TERMINAL.... VOID.... his access now allows him to take form of humans, and go outside the game... but for now.. he rests, Staring at the characters..

CREATOR ID: 2fbf6b
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Sans sprite base, except its Epic Sans

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