...-Magmatic Creature (Deadtale)

...-Magmatic Creature (Deadtale)

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Description: NAME:Magmatic Creature (i ran out of creative names) HP:NaN well you can't kill it while it's invunrabal DEF:1000 ATCK:Depends SPECIAL TRAIT:anything wooden that touches it or it's attacks will catch on fire,metal will melt,and sand will turn into glass Themes Phase 1:https://youtu.be/UKX7dTRmcAU Phase 2:https://youtu.be/mWACpci6v6k Teleport:Melts quickly Into a puddle of magma the does the oppersite somewhere else with a magma puddle appearing there ATTACKS PHASE 1 Magma Wave-50DMG+burning 1DPS For 10 seconds Flame Spire-100DMG On Direct Hit-25DMG on None Direct Hit+Burning 3DPS For 20 seconds on direct hit-Burning 3 Damage Per 50 miliseconds for 2.5 seconds on none diretc hit Karrstagg's Demise:A Spell Ment For Defeeting Karrstagg The World Eater-600 DMG 10 minute cooldown Phase 2 Same Attacks as phase 1 but with an extra Flame Scythe:Like Demon Scythe But More Fire-Summons A Rotating Scythe That'll With In 1 Location For 2 Seconds Then Ups It's Speed from 0-20MPH Quickly And Fires In The Direction It Was Casted In-100DMG+Burning 1DPS For 10 Seconds

CREATOR ID: a49fc3
VIEWS: 167
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Save-??? (Deadtale)

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