all synonyms for Disgusting: Revolting, Repellent, Repulsive, Sickening, Nauseating, Nauseous, Stomach-Churning, Stomach-Turning, Off-Putting, Unpalatable, Unappetizing, Uninviting, Unsavoury, Distasteful, Foul, Nasty, Obnoxious, Odious, Vomitus, Disgustful, Offensive, Appalling, Outrageous, Objectionable, Displeasing, Shocking, Horrifying, Scandalous, Monstrous, Unspeakable, Shameless, Shameful, Vulgar, Gross, Vile, Wicked, Heinous, Abhorrent, Loathsome, Detestable, Hateful, Contemptable, Despicable, Deplorable, Abominable, Execrable, Unforgivable, Unpardonable, Inexcusable, Intolerable, Insupportable, Loathly, Scurvy, Egregious

all synonyms for Disgusting: Revolting, Repellent, Repulsive, Sickening, Nauseating, Nauseous, Stomach-Churning, Stomach-Turning, Off-Putting, Unpalatable, Unappetizing, Uninviting, Unsavoury, Distasteful, Foul, Nasty, Obnoxious, Odious, Vomitus, Disgustful, Offensive, Appalling, Outrageous, Objectionable, Displeasing, Shocking, Horrifying, Scandalous, Monstrous, Unspeakable, Shameless, Shameful, Vulgar, Gross, Vile, Wicked, Heinous, Abhorrent, Loathsome, Detestable, Hateful, Contemptable, Despicable, Deplorable, Abominable, Execrable, Unforgivable, Unpardonable, Inexcusable, Intolerable, Insupportable, Loathly, Scurvy, Egregious

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Description: Terror - DEF: 666. DMG DEDUCT: 66.6%. ATK: 666. HP: 666. LV: 66 "be careful, you can only deal so little of your damage, be prepared... D U S T D U S T S A N S" Story and etc:

CREATOR ID: e8cb42
AGE: 1 year old
BASED ON: *points to Dust* i love that skeleton

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