Heya... Still not gonna finish this... I don`t got the fucking time or patience to nab EVERY SINGLE LINE BY LINE HEX CODE for this sprite... The DESC is the HEX codes for the white ONLY... Yeeaaaaahhhhhh... So who ever THINKS they can handle it..... Be my guest.....

Heya... Still not gonna finish this... I don`t got the fucking time or patience to nab EVERY SINGLE LINE BY LINE HEX CODE for this sprite... The DESC is the HEX codes for the white ONLY... Yeeaaaaahhhhhh... So who ever THINKS they can handle it..... Be my guest.....

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Description: -Terrie | a77f81 - ffffff - fefefe - fcfcfc - fbfafa - f8f6f6 - f7f4f4 - f6f2f2 - f4f0f0 - f3eeee - f2ecec - f0eaea - efe8e8 - ede6e6 - ebe3e3 - eae1e1 - e9dfdf - e7dddd - e6dbdb - e5d9d9 - e3d7d7 - e2d5d5 - e0d3d3 - dfd1d1 - decfcf - dccdcd - dbcbcc

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Here is the head... God that took a lot less longer than I thought... But still... Yeeeaaaahhhhh... -Terrie

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator