1. If i were to ERP, I would regularly censor words, so that would be safe. 2. I wouldnt do it via PAM. 3. I dont rly want to do it anymore bc you dont want to, and that would make you uncomfortable. 4. NOT THE FUCKING PENIS NOOOOOOOOO -Atari Kyoshi

1. If i were to ERP, I would regularly censor words, so that would be safe. 2. I wouldnt do it via PAM. 3. I dont rly want to do it anymore bc you dont want to, and that would make you uncomfortable. 4. NOT THE FUCKING PENIS NOOOOOOOOO -Atari Kyoshi

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Description: Name: Atari Kyoshi (アタリ恭司) | A tiny wholesome tanuki | Gender: frick you | THIS SPRITE IS INTENDED FOR PERMISSED USE ONLY. UNAUTHORIZED USAGE WILL RESULT IN A BAN FROM THE WEBSITE. -Atari (CC 8a598)

CREATOR ID: 8a598a
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: *is more amazed* -Atari Kyoshi

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