I`m so sick of Undertale. It fucking sucks. Everytime I see a Sans, a Papyrus, a Gaster, I contemplate whether or not my life has meaning. Which makes me fucking infuriated. You punkass cunts think you can steal ideas from another fucking game because you can`t dig in your tiny-ass brain and come up with someting original. You bitches infuriate me. You ruined Undertale, and there`s no one else to fucking blame. Fuck your ass Megalos. Fuck your fanbase. Fuck these Swap Fell things. I wouldn`t be surprised if I saw some sort of AU that had a name so long that you couldn`t fucking post it. Fucking dicks. Every fucking time I hear "Swap! Fell! Magnet! Revert!" I want to fucking die. What`s next? SwapSwapSwapSwapSwapFellSwapFellFellRevertFellRevertSwapSwapGasterFellGaster? Fuck you. Fuck you. Just fuck you.

I`m so sick of Undertale. It fucking sucks. Everytime I see a Sans, a Papyrus, a Gaster, I contemplate whether or not my life has meaning. Which makes me fucking infuriated. You punkass cunts think you can steal ideas from another fucking game because you can`t dig in your tiny-ass brain and come up with someting original. You bitches infuriate me. You ruined Undertale, and there`s no one else to fucking blame. Fuck your ass Megalos. Fuck your fanbase. Fuck these Swap Fell things. I wouldn`t be surprised if I saw some sort of AU that had a name so long that you couldn`t fucking post it. Fucking dicks. Every fucking time I hear "Swap! Fell! Magnet! Revert!" I want to fucking die. What`s next? SwapSwapSwapSwapSwapFellSwapFellFellRevertFellRevertSwapSwapGasterFellGaster? Fuck you. Fuck you. Just fuck you.

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Description: ok this is a maker for everyone if they want to make their au

CREATOR ID: 8a598a
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Create Your Own Sans :)

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator