I wanna be helpful... Guide, basic PAM understanding, whatever..... And I wanna stay in the very place this whole site came from... I made Terrie, in the main gallery... And so his very creator will STAY in the main gallery...

I wanna be helpful... Guide, basic PAM understanding, whatever..... And I wanna stay in the very place this whole site came from... I made Terrie, in the main gallery... And so his very creator will STAY in the main gallery...

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Description: -Terrie |

CREATOR ID: 63ceb7
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Also, if the PAM creator is still around... Can you answer this simple question..... Who made the first ever post on PAM?... Cause going all the way back to the post of "kn", seems to be the first ever post however I want the answer from the very creator themself...

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