So are you gonna threaten me, okay I live in the North Pole! You should be taught better but you have parents who isolate you cause’ YOUR A STICK IN THE ASSHOLE!!! And no wonder mommy and daddy ISOLATED YOU, YOU PIXELART STEALING CLONE! Go back on the street where you belong, FOREVER ALONE. Cause’ I am done with this shit, bow down to my army of ollies (elves, once again thanks twilight king!). You will die, I am immortal, just realized that oh gollie! And there will be no Christmas lights at your grave! Just God (Sorry Twilight King since you are atheist) looking’ down at you, as you stray.

So are you gonna threaten me, okay I live in the North Pole! You should be taught better but you have parents who isolate you cause’ YOUR  A STICK IN THE ASSHOLE!!! And no wonder mommy and daddy ISOLATED YOU, YOU PIXELART STEALING CLONE! Go back on the street where you belong, FOREVER ALONE. Cause’ I am done with this shit, bow down to my army of ollies (elves, once again thanks twilight king!). You will die, I am immortal, just realized that oh gollie! And there will be no Christmas lights at your grave! Just God (Sorry Twilight King since you are atheist) looking’ down at you, as you stray.

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AGE: 4 years old

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