GV, you have no idea... my PE teacher is the epitomy of the worst possible teacher. Says she knows tech more than anyone else in the school when she DOESN`T, turns any cool thing into a horrible fucking exercise, uses the worst non-copyright music out there, and her timers sound like air raid sirens on steroids.

GV, you have no idea... my PE teacher is the epitomy of the worst possible teacher. Says she knows tech more than anyone else in the school when she DOESN`T, turns any cool thing into a horrible fucking exercise, uses the worst non-copyright music out there, and her timers sound like air raid sirens on steroids.

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Description: Atari | I raped someone with a fucking piece of bread once.

CREATOR ID: 8a598a
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: So, goodbye. See you all in hell. -Atari

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