"Did you just color me Blue with my own attack? That can't count, right? Surely that doesn't count! That does it. Time to DIE"

"Did you just color me Blue with my own attack? That can't count, right? Surely that doesn't count! That does it. Time to DIE"

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Description: *Snatcher: The Tyrannical ruler of Subcon Forest. He may seem weak enough, but you can't attack him unless he's blue. HP. 300 Attack. 70 Defense.30 LV. 40*|Don't spoil this, but I'm also controlling T. Deal with my MANY characters!

CREATOR ID: 05b0c1
VIEWS: 125
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: AH HAH HAH HAH HAH! FOOOOOOOOOOO- Alright, can you guys stop?

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