I don`t... Yet here`s something... I, OWN, this theater... Thus I can control it... And so you know what?... -Set the damage taken from others up from 0, to 300,000,000- Maybe... You shouldn`t ask stupid questions... -He gets out a spiked steel warhammer out- And so..... I`m gonna get you out..... -He freezes CT, in place and then just slams the warhammer right into his dick at full force, due to the insanely high damage boost it just DESTROYS his cock and his pelvis- You aren`t gonna be able to breed now... -He grabs CT, and spins him around before letting go of him throwing him out of the theater and at somebody, he unfreezes CT after letting go-

I don`t... Yet here`s something... I, OWN, this theater... Thus I can control it... And so you know what?... -Set the damage taken from others up from 0, to 300,000,000- Maybe... You shouldn`t ask stupid questions... -He gets out a spiked steel warhammer out- And so..... I`m gonna get you out..... -He freezes CT, in place and then just slams the warhammer right into his dick at full force, due to the insanely high damage boost it just DESTROYS his cock and his pelvis- You aren`t gonna be able to breed now... -He grabs CT, and spins him around before letting go of him throwing him out of the theater and at somebody, he unfreezes CT after letting go-

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Description: -Terrie

CREATOR ID: 63ceb7
AGE: 3 years old

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