yeah like he would leave because of you pussylips your just another troll on this site and no one will love or forgive you because of how terrible you are and terrie can leave when ever he wants and he has a lot more important things then being here because he has a boy friend a livestream and more other accounts in other places and all you do is fuck with us so go bang your cold dead mother for all i care

yeah like he would leave because of you pussylips your just another troll on this site and no one will love or forgive you because of how terrible you are and terrie can leave when ever he wants and he has a lot more important things then being here because he has a boy friend a livestream and more other accounts in other places and all you do is fuck with us so go bang your cold dead mother for all i care

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CREATOR ID: 98b53d
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Using facedudes are 2019 grow up dumbass kid, terrie crys out like a bitch and rage quit out of pixelartmaker after getting roasted by epicdust:V6

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