I`m gonna say this... Slenderman: The classic Indie game version of it with the poor graphics... Is the lowest in horror levels... Like wtf, is so scary about a faceless fuck, wearing a god damn business suit?... Well... I put the use of blank eyes red glow, right next to it... Now, the ranking of TRUE horror... Ha... I know what that is... But it's not meant to be scary but makes you get a cross out every time... That being... [REDACTED]... Shit I can`t say it... Eh... But just like... Use a different colour...

I`m gonna say this... Slenderman: The classic Indie game version of it with the poor graphics... Is the lowest in horror levels... Like wtf, is so scary about a faceless fuck, wearing a god damn business suit?... Well... I put the use of blank eyes red glow, right next to it... Now, the ranking of TRUE horror... Ha... I know what that is... But it's not meant to be scary but makes you get a cross out every time... That being... [REDACTED]... Shit I can`t say it... Eh... But just like... Use a different colour...

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Description: -Terrie [Mental state: To tears] | Allern... The Irish fox...

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: "Save...

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