The LEGENDS (DeltaRune)

The LEGENDS (DeltaRune)

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Description: In the picture, Kris, Ralsei and Susie are fighting the Angel of Death. This is how I think the Angel of Death's Legend goes Once, a God created Earth, and let an angel live there. The Angel created many things, he created animals, trees, life, humans and monsters. He taught the Humans and Monsters to befriend each other and may war never occur. The Humans and Monsters created a Kingdom where everyone could live together and the Angel was the King. The Angel hired 3 knights. One was a Human Swordsman, who wielded a powerful blade. The second one was a monster who knew how to wield an ax. and the last one was a mystery, he was prince of the kingdom of monsters. Later The Angel found a power inside the humans, that the angel, began it's Genocide. The 3 knights knew that they needed to do something, but the god gave them a power, it was so powerful, it was powerful than 10,000,000 human souls.They created a fountain, where The Angel could never escape. 2,000 years later his hand strucked from the fountain and his hand turned black so you could see the darkness in his hand. He used the darkness to make a kingdom and one of the knights, joined him. The sealed thier weapons that beat the Angel into a temple deep in the depts of hell and intrusted a demon to guard the weapons. Made by S.T.L

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 938
AGE: 5 years old

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