Shadow Tress

Shadow Tress

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Description: the last form of her. right before attacking someone. she fakes her death by being hung by the neck, when the victim steps into the room she's in, she shuts the door close and lock it, then when the victim comes a little closer, she cuts the rope and attacks, if the victim tries getting away she grabs them and hangs them by the neck, that only happens if she really hates them or she doesn't want them to get away. she doesn't usually hang people by the neck though, she only turns shadow if she's hiding or is about to sneak behind someone and stab them, she also turns into a shadow so she can be faster and she wouldn't be able to be hurt so much when she is shadow, so i wouldn't trust someone like tress ._. you shouldn't either No matter how nice she looks sometimes.

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 225
AGE: 7 years old

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AI Painting Generator