It's Danger. i created Undertale: ETHOS and Underswap: Allaxe, I never really thought people liked these sprites. i guess it's the tastes i have and how i design my characters. thanks for the response Peterplay and i like your style of the sprites.

It's Danger. i created Undertale: ETHOS and Underswap: Allaxe, I never really thought people liked these sprites. i guess it's the tastes i have and how i design my characters. thanks for the response Peterplay and i like your style of the sprites.

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Description: Hey hey please mr. postman

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 214
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: I made some sketches of Papyrus and Sans from Undertale: ETHOS. too bad i can't show em

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