UnderShrike!Asriel JJvA OFFICAL

UnderShrike!Asriel JJvA OFFICAL

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Description: on Genocide route in UnderShrike, when you go to hotlands and greet sans, go to toriel's door in snowden and asgore will be there. Enter an easy battle with him unknowing you are human (Put on the ghost costume dropped by napstablook) kill asgore, and after you go to judgement hall you will fight asriel in his teen form, and if you actually successfully kill him, Sans will come into the judgement hall and immediately try to kill you, if you succeed you get a in-game achievement and your game will immediately reset.

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 218
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: UnderShrike!Asriel

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