United forever in friendship and labour, Our mighty republics will ever endure. The Great Soviet Union will live through the ages. The dream of a people their fortress secure. Long live our Soviet motherland, Built by the people's mighty hand. Long live our people, united and free. Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our crimson flag inspire, Shining in glory for all men to see. Through days dark and stormy where Great Lenin lead us Our eyes saw the bright sun of freedom above And Stalin our leader with faith in the people, Inspired us to build up the land that we love. Long live our Soviet motherland, Built by the people's mighty hand. Long live our people, united and free. Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our crimson flag inspire, Shining in glory for all men to see-

United forever in friendship and labour, Our mighty republics will ever endure. The Great Soviet Union will live through the ages. The dream of a people their fortress secure.  Long live our Soviet motherland, Built by the people's mighty hand. Long live our people, united and free. Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our crimson flag inspire, Shining in glory for all men to see.  Through days dark and stormy where Great Lenin lead us Our eyes saw the bright sun of freedom above And Stalin our leader with faith in the people, Inspired us to build up the land that we love.  Long live our Soviet motherland, Built by the people's mighty hand. Long live our people, united and free. Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our crimson flag inspire, Shining in glory for all men to see-

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Description: Something I [Hermann Hans Otto Georg-Wilhelm Müller von Magdeburg und Hanover] made out of boredom.

CREATOR ID: c91422
VIEWS: 138
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Hippity hoppity, abolition of bourgeois property.

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