True Emperor Multiverse / omnipotent emperor / king multiverse.

True Emperor Multiverse / omnipotent emperor / king multiverse.

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Description: King Multiverse, native to the alternate universe "AlphaTale". Origin, from the AlphaTale Wiki: King Multiverse was created when Error404!Sans chipped a piece of his bones accidentally, which created King Multiverse, subsequently he is one of the many puppets of Error404. Due to his power, he was able to claim the title of King of the Multiverse at an unknown date. Omnipotent king: By becoming Emperor multiverse by getting some mainframe codes,he now was strong enough to kill omnipotent sans,since error404 wanted the book Omni protects. He succeded,and absorbed omnipotent sans,becoming omnipotent emperor,the strongest being in multiverse. But now,with that much power,he was tired to be a puppet of 404,so,after a long fight,he killed him. Right after,virus404 tried to absorb error404's soul,trying to become omni404,but he failed,and died like error404. So now,omnipotent emperor absorbed both of virus404 and error404 souls,and became the most powerful being in all multiverses and hyperverses (etc.): True Emperor Multiverse.. He was so powerful that he re-created alpha-tale,so that he could absorb everyone's souls infinitely... He now had infinite power.

CREATOR ID: 72569f
VIEWS: 486
AGE: 3 years old

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