Eh...maybe. Pretty sure they`ll need coaching to learn. Glad you`re feeling better though. It`s nice to take a break sometimes. I can only imagine what it`s like for you, with everybody always wanting to do arcs and stuff with you in them. Barely gives you any "you time". -BD

Eh...maybe. Pretty sure they`ll need coaching to learn. Glad you`re feeling better though. It`s nice to take a break sometimes. I can only imagine what it`s like for you, with everybody always wanting to do arcs and stuff with you in them. Barely gives you any "you time". -BD

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Description: Name: Boarderline Aishitomi Toya| Age: 10 | HP: 100 | DEF: 100 | ATK: 30 | Just a kid who wants to grow up and make everyone happy. | Easily excited, short attention span.

CREATOR ID: 752b4c
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: 10 year old Boarder

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