[Era 8. Uberverse era] The Best Era Imo. This was the second to last era. In it, a huge war breaks out among the Cosmos(The Collection of Multiverses beside the void.) and it is Stopped by the all powerful World Worm, (Void Matriarch at this time) Who surrounds all the new guardians of the Cosmos in hope, Blixer and Betty included. Blixer remembers that at one point he was a being of pure hope, and is now Corrupt hope, Betty and Blixer transform and become good. and, at this point, T wants to save the Uberverse, so he sacrifices his hope to the world worm. and restores the Uberverse.
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Description: A nice guy that greets everyone that he meets. Once a very hated certain Orange and Blue person.I'm changing myself, however to be better, and less hated hopefully, cause nobody cared when I "Left" Sorry bout that rant, He has the same basic abilities as Ink. However he makes people happy instead of protecting the universe. Credits to Warrior for the original sprite.