I was playing a game kind of similar to Among Us known as "Flicker", and I got voted off because nobody had really seen me throughout the duration of the game/I hadn`t really said anything. In most games, that argument would make sense, but in a game where ALL THE MURDERER DOES IS PICK FROM A LIST OF NAMES WHO THEY WANT TO DIE, AND THEN THEY VOTE. There is no way to see them in the act, and the only form of evidence is the murderer may admit to killing (which, 99% of the time, the people who admit to the murders are not the murderer). In Among Us, yes, not seeing someone for the entirety of the game would be suspicious, and not contributing to the discussions during Emergency Meetings is suspicious even more so, but in a game in which all you do is guess, it means literally nothing. If they are looking for signs of you being suspicious, they should at least know why/when those signs are suspicious.

I was playing a game kind of similar to Among Us known as "Flicker", and I got voted off because nobody had really seen me throughout the duration of the game/I hadn`t really said anything. In most games, that argument would make sense, but in a game where ALL THE MURDERER DOES IS PICK FROM A LIST OF NAMES WHO THEY WANT TO DIE, AND THEN THEY VOTE. There is no way to see them in the act, and the only form of evidence is the murderer may admit to killing (which, 99% of the time, the people who admit to the murders are not the murderer). In Among Us, yes, not seeing someone for the entirety of the game would be suspicious, and not contributing to the discussions during Emergency Meetings is suspicious even more so, but in a game in which all you do is guess, it means literally nothing. If they are looking for signs of you being suspicious, they should at least know why/when those signs are suspicious.

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Description: https://pixelartmaker.fandom.com/wiki/User:MrTroublemeyer

CREATOR ID: 67b59a
AGE: 3 years old

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