Rings Chapter 6 By Japanese Poisonous Bite Mawile

Rings Chapter 6 By Japanese Poisonous Bite Mawile

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Description: The minutes began to feel like hours when I was just sitting in my living room starring at a blank wall. I wouldn't talk to anyone, not even Espeon or Popplio... I began to feel like I was fading until.... I felt something cold and wet hit my face, Popplio spread me because I wasn't doing anything, that was until me and Popplio heard Espeon's cry in another room. We both rushed in there and looked around in the room, oh and the room was just one of the bedrooms that was there when I moved into the house. We saw Espeon starring at something... I couldn't tell what she was starring at but what I could make out was a face. A dreadful feeling went through my entire body as I walked a little closer, while doing so, I quickly pushed the two pokemon away in case of anything happening. The moment I took a step closer... I saw it... flashing in my head... I saw words flashing every where... It finally stopped after a minute or two, but now the face was gone, Poof, nothing there. I decided to bring the two pokemon in the living room, I sat down on a chair and looked over at the phone on the table in front of me. I picked up the phone and dialed a number I knew. I had 2 siblings which were both male siblings. The older one was named 'Mark' and the younger one was named 'David' both were a few years younger than me. which saying by few, I mean, Mark is 18 years old and David is 17 years old, which I am 23 years old so that makes me about 5 years older than they were. Both of them didn't have a place to live yet so they both still live with our mom, anyways, I called their phone, called them more than one times and waited to see who the lucky brother picks up the phone, and after about ten minutes of trying to call them, I finally get a answer on the phone, and guess who it was? Mom. Mom was the lucky non brother to actually pick up the phone. I was already annoyed at this point that I felt like hanging it up after waiting SO long for someone to pick up the phone. "Hello?" I hear my mother say, of course I say hello back, and I wasn't even done saying hello to her, I hear her yell out to my brothers "YOUR OLDER SISTER IS ON THE PHONE!" I was shocked that she knew who I was by hearing half of the word 'Hello' which made me wonder "Does she sense the future?" "Mom, please don't right now, look, I was wondering if I, ad my 2 pokemon come over for maybe a week or so?" And my mother seems confused by the question because if SHE were to ask the question, which does every single week... the answer is always no. "How come you want to stay for a week?" She asks me, I could tell she was confused from the way she was speaking. I... Didn't want her to freak out so I said, "I'm... uhhhh... feeling a little.... homesick I guess." she agrees to let me stay. After being on the phone with he, I started to pack up and leave. After a couple of hours of traveling to her house, we finally made it, and starting having the feeling I was being watched... When I went inside, David called me a nerd, I wasn't even one minute in the house and I'm already called names. 'But hopefully he doesn't get hurt...' I thought to my self, and as soon as I thought that a vase went flying across the room because Espeon didn't like I'm saying that to me, I yelled at Espeon to not do it before she hit him, and only an INCH away until the vase hit him. "Well it's only a week, I can make it." I said to my self.

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 315
AGE: 6 years old

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