What age should someone have to be in order to get a driver`s license? In my opinion, it should be based less on your age and more on your experience. My driving reform for Germany would be to change legal driving age from 18 to 16, require that persons seeking to acquire a license are aware of all existing driving laws, and require that persons take a driving test every 5-10 years in order to ensure they are capable of driving safely.

What age should someone have to be in order to get a driver`s license? In my opinion, it should be based less on your age and more on your experience. My driving reform for Germany would be to change legal driving age from 18 to 16, require that persons seeking to acquire a license are aware of all existing driving laws, and require that persons take a driving test every 5-10 years in order to ensure they are capable of driving safely.

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Description: Please just address me as "Hermann."

CREATOR ID: 67b59a
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: "AlRiGhT eVeRyOnE, iT`s TaX tImE!!!!!111 sHoUlD i PaY aLl My TaXeS lIkE a GoOd TaX-pAyInG cI`iZeN, oR eVaDe My TaXeS aNd SaVe AlL mY mOnAaYyYy?!?!?" -Hermann Hans Otto Georg-Wilhelm Müller von Magdeburg und Hanover

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