God damn it... I think why May, wants to be the only shapeshiter, is becasue no one else was even using the damn power when she showed up... And well, she feels like if more peope use it realizing, "Oh this is something I can use", it will just piss her off, like "YOU HAD ALL THE TIME TO USE IT BEFORE AND ONLY NOW WHEN I USE IT YOU DO?!..." Well, that might just be the case...

God damn it... I think why May, wants to be the only shapeshiter, is becasue no one else was even using the damn power when she showed up... And well, she feels like if more peope use it realizing, "Oh this is something I can use", it will just piss her off, like "YOU HAD ALL THE TIME TO USE IT BEFORE AND ONLY NOW WHEN I USE IT YOU DO?!..." Well, that might just be the case...

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Description: -Stellar | -Edits by Terrie | Passive battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LleVFnSjhI | Aggressive, battle them... Or genocide theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugnm_thR-ts |

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old

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AI Painting Generator