*summons fear weapon and slashes at the monster* - Bryan

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Description: AU:Player | Traits : Fear, Determination, Overwrite , Bravery , Kindness , Hatred , Integrity , Patience , Justice , Perseverance | Stats: DEF 99 , ATK 10 (with weapon 99) HP 99 | Ability's: Overwrite , Client , Radifobia ( changes another person's attacks into the user of radifobia's attack ) , Pure hatred (transformation , can only be used when the fear trait runs out or is broken unleashing true hatred and it also fixes fear) , Lv rise (rises lv to 20 | Stats while lv rise is active: ATK 999 , DEF 999 AHP 1000 (aditional hp) |Items: Familiar scarf , Real Knife , Striped shirt | base made by: TheSpoopyDungeon on Youtube.
CREATOR ID: | 6a27ef |
VIEWS: | 10 |
AGE: | 3 years old |
BASED ON: | save*- Bryan |