Vegans have a lot of reasons to avoid the Sonic The Hedgehog movie. These reasons include Longclaw being an owl and therefore mentioning eating mice, Sonic having a fish on his head after running through the ocean, and a gift certificate to Olive Garden. Unfortunately, most of these reasons are honestly kind of ridiculous. Fortunately, the majority of the people in my theater did not appear to be vegans, because none of them walked out or gagged. Finally, I don’t know why this is what stops people from seeing the Sonic movie; these aren’t the reasons not to see it. I think that Sonic pushing people off the top of a skyscraper would be a much more pressing matter than a latte with steamed Austrian goat milk.

Vegans have a lot of reasons to avoid the Sonic The Hedgehog movie. These reasons include Longclaw being an owl and therefore mentioning eating mice, Sonic having a fish on his head after running through the ocean, and a gift certificate to Olive Garden. Unfortunately, most of these reasons are honestly kind of ridiculous. Fortunately, the majority of the people in my theater did not appear to be vegans, because none of them walked out or gagged. Finally, I don’t know why this is what stops people from seeing the Sonic movie; these aren’t the reasons not to see it. I think that Sonic pushing people off the top of a skyscraper would be a much more pressing matter than a latte with steamed Austrian goat milk.

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VIEWS: 132
AGE: 4 years old

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