sigh... asking for help doesnt make you useless or annoying, at best, your a questgiver. your specific requests test my skills and while sometimes im not in the mood, others... its actually kinda fun..? but like i said before, your more of a person handing out quests than some annoying prick. so please just stop assuming things. your even getting better, and ive said this myself; you can make smaller sprites with ease (of OTHER CHARACTERS you dont even OWN) while here i am struggling to draw my own characters that ive had for literal YEARS.

sigh... asking for help doesnt make you useless or annoying, at best, your a questgiver. your specific requests test my skills and while sometimes im not in the mood, others... its actually kinda fun..? but like i said before, your more of a person handing out quests than some annoying prick. so please just stop assuming things. your even getting better, and ive said this myself; you can make smaller sprites with ease (of OTHER CHARACTERS you dont even OWN) while here i am struggling to draw my own characters that ive had for literal YEARS.

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CREATOR ID: 0ba17f
AGE: 2 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator