not exactley nat. you see, whirlpools are caused by pressure differentials in water, deep or superficial. these pressure differences cause a drain like water formation to form, causing water to spiral down, which is the fastest way of motion for water, meaning that the water naturally forms into a whirlpool. a tornadoe however is caused by heat differenes, causing hot air to rise and cool air to fall, formign a horizontal whirl at first, but then transfering into a vertical one thanks to gravity causing more air pressure at a lower point than a higher point.

not exactley nat. you see, whirlpools are caused by pressure differentials in water, deep or superficial. these pressure differences cause a drain like water formation to form, causing water to spiral down, which is the fastest way of motion for water, meaning that the water naturally forms into a whirlpool. a tornadoe however is caused by heat differenes, causing hot air to rise and cool air to fall, formign a horizontal whirl at first, but then transfering into a vertical one thanks to gravity causing more air pressure at a lower point than a higher point.

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