Ok well lets not make fun of him still. I mean he was just trying to share his backstory and when we critiqued it he took it personally. Lets all just go back to chilling and having fun on PAM instead of angering eachother.

Ok well lets not make fun of him still. I mean he was just trying to share his backstory and when we critiqued it he took it personally. Lets all just go back to chilling and having fun on PAM instead of angering eachother.

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Description: Name: Tazmaine Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight and Asexual (as in doesn't care for sexual stuff) Origin: A cosmic entity composed of plasma that went on a rampage eons ago, destroying countless planets until put into a death like sleep. Eventually when discovered in a desert and struck by lightning he came back to life with a change of heart and without memory. Why does he look so weird: He is a stone ball coated in plasma, ofc he looks weird. Fun Fact: he came into existence for no reason in the middle of space. Powers: Flight, Teleportation, manipulation of certain plasmas and electricity. Regeneration, shapeshifting to an extent, and absorbing energy (can not absorb void, qi, magic, or cosmic energy). Fears: The Void, Cosmic entities (most Alphas and Celestials), human skeletons, space, and regaining his memory. Has (two) remaining speed potions from a bruddah.

CREATOR ID: 545c1c
AGE: 2 years old

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