Starlight Versions

Starlight Versions

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Description: Order (left to right): Normal, Endo, Springlocked, Springlocked Endo, Nightmare. Now for some lore! Even though it seems like Startlight is male, they don't actually have a gender. Springlocked and Nightmare are both from different timelines. Starlight can't open their mouth, so they use a speaker to talk (the speaker's built into the endo). Nightmare Starlight's speak open and a claw comes out (the claws are for grabbing you and putting you into the mouth in their stomach). Starlight's friend, Toxic (my bear fnaf oc), ships Starlight and Spark (my fox fnaf oc). Starlight: "AND IT ANNOYS THE HELL OUT OF US!" Spark in the the background: "YEAH!" Toxic in the background: "Lol I still ship you two." Starlight: *Running at full speed to kill Toxic* Toxic: AAA- *Explosion* Well. I think thats enough for now. Spark: "Agreed." Alright see ya. - BlueBoy98YT (im on youtube but i dont make videos)

CREATOR ID: ee9605
VIEWS: 186
AGE: 3 years old

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