As you can see... Fire doesn`t need to be that complex... But it comes at a cost of size... Bigger fires do require more detailing to look good... However a candle is some of a easiest things to start with that shows... "Maybe this fire is TOO big"..... Just a little tip for ya!~ ^w^

As you can see... Fire doesn`t need to be that complex... But it comes at a cost of size... Bigger fires do require more detailing to look good... However a candle is some of a easiest things to start with that shows... "Maybe this fire is TOO big"..... Just a little tip for ya!~ ^w^

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Description: (first phase: ink...? atk 1 def 1 health 99999 *...KILL HIM =) (second phase: ink..... atk 6666 def 6666. *he swears to make sure you lose

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Changed it for ya... -Terrie

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