I`m afraid my visit is very short, but I do hope you all have an amazing night. Sorry I couldn`t stay longer and I`m not on as much, and Sorry I couldn`t say hello longer to you, Burroku-san. Good night since I won`t be on! ~BD

I`m afraid my visit is very short, but I do hope you all have an amazing night. Sorry I couldn`t stay longer and I`m not on as much, and Sorry I couldn`t say hello longer to you, Burroku-san. Good night since I won`t be on! ~BD

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Description: This is Boarder, indeed.....But when he became a Geno in his timeline, he forgot everything. His friend's faces seem familiar, but he won't be able to place their names. And he doesn't have a lot of trust, nor a good temper. So try and stay on his good side.

CREATOR ID: 752b4c
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Geno Boarder

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator