I don't watch people play Spooky's Mansion. I play it myself. It's good for playing a story with a great variety of characters and such. You can just play the story mode if you want, but you can also play Endless Mode if you have nothing better to do with your time. Almost every Specimen, Monster, and Creature, have their own unique traits and areas. The end is also quite unique in it's own little way which isn't expressed by other games. The controls are nice and smooth and work well with the game mechanics and such. The health and stamina concept is a bit weird, being that you can run through one whole room in mere seconds. There aren't very many puzzles in the game, which is bit odd, but i guess they didn't wanna overuse puzzles. But what puzzles there are, are fairly challenging the first and maybe second go, but then you can slide past and play the game if you are big brain and can easily continue the game. :)

I don't watch people play Spooky's Mansion. I play it myself. It's good for playing a story with a great variety of characters and such. You can just play the story mode if you want, but you can also play Endless Mode if you have nothing better to do with your time. Almost every Specimen, Monster, and Creature, have their own unique traits and areas. The end is also quite unique in it's own little way which isn't expressed by other games. The controls are nice and smooth and work well with the game mechanics and such. The health and stamina concept is a bit weird, being that you can run through one whole room in mere seconds. There aren't very many puzzles in the game, which is bit odd, but i guess they didn't wanna overuse puzzles. But what puzzles there are, are fairly challenging the first and maybe second go, but then you can slide past and play the game if you are big brain and can easily continue the game.  :)

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