And regardless of our beliefs, as strong and as firm as they may be, we still have yet to find any objective evidence that Kenya and MOAU are the same person. Therefore we should conclude, or, at the very least, consider that they aren`t the same person. -Hermann Hans Otto Georg-Wilhelm Müller von Magdeburg und Hanover

And regardless of our beliefs, as strong and as firm as they may be, we still have yet to find any objective evidence that Kenya and MOAU are the same person. Therefore we should conclude, or, at the very least, consider that they aren`t the same person. -Hermann Hans Otto Georg-Wilhelm Müller von Magdeburg und Hanover

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Description: Please just address me as "Hermann."

CREATOR ID: 55a4da
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: "AlRiGhT eVeRyOnE, iT`s TaX tImE!!!!!111 sHoUlD i PaY aLl My TaXeS lIkE a GoOd TaX-pAyInG cI`iZeN, oR eVaDe My TaXeS aNd SaVe AlL mY mOnAaYyYy?!?!?" -Hermann Hans Otto Georg-Wilhelm Müller von Magdeburg und Hanover

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